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Diskusia s užívateľom:AtonX

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Poslední komentář: pred 5 rokmi od uživatele Rschen7754 v tématu „Your administrator and bureaucrat status on the skwikisource

Kde prosím ťa nájdem predvolebný program ZRS z volieb 1994. (bola to jedna z vládnych strán). Poprosil by som o kúsok miesta aj pre politické dokumenty. Ak som porušil autorské práva SNS mohol by si porosím ťa nechať aspoň kategóriu politika.--Van Dalsom 10:33, 12. december 2006 (UTC)Odpovědět

  • Faktografické texty, vyhlásenie strany, predvolebný program - asi sa spýtam niekoho z sns a potom teba či súhlasíš. Podla mňa akékoľvek vyhlásenie je možné chápať ako skopíruj ma a rozšír ma. (nie som právnik) Určite aspoň výťah by tam mohol ostať podla mňa to môže byť raz zaujímavé (pre budúcnosť). Najviac by ma potešilo keby si povedal že tie citácie patria na wikiquote. Podla mňa to nieje výkrik bezdomovca, ale oficiálny dokument strany ktorá dostáva peniaze aj z tvojich daní a keď niečo urobí verejne je to verejné. Navyše by išla sama proti sebe. V USA je niečo také, že to čo vydá vláda je verejné. A SND je vládna strana. Neviem čo majú ľudia proti politike veď je to v prvom rade o ľuďoch a ich vzťahoch. Ideme to ignorovať lebo sme slobodný. Aj tento dialóg sa dá brať ako politika ti zastávaš svoj názor ja svoj. Ešte malý príklad o ktorý som sa zaujímal. Ak si odpíšem cestovný poriadok ŽSR (dokonca aj z internetu) tak ho môžem volne šíriť. Mam to potvrdené od ŽSR. Copyright neznamená že to môžem len čítať. Mal by sa ktomu riadne vyjadriť slovenský právnik. A čo Zákon o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám? Sú politické strany právnické osoby zriadene zákonom? --Van Dalsom 11:32, 12. december 2006 (UTC)Odpovědět
    • Prepáč, ale tvoje (naivno-autorsko-)právne úvahy sú na tomto mieste úplne irelevantné. Na šírenie akýchkoľvek zdrojov na projektoch Nadácie Wikimedia musíš mať 1. v prvom rade písomný súhlas, respektíve povolenie autora alebo iného držiteľa autorských práv, 2. ďalej jeho výslovný súhlas s ďalším šírením pod licenciou GFDL a 3. nakoniec splniť kritériá na zaradenie zdroja do jedného z projektov. Tie sú v tomto prípade dané pravidlami v článku Zásady a pravidlá. Príjemné čítanie. --AtonX 13:13, 12. december 2006 (UTC)Odpovědět
  • ďakujem račej budem naivný ako …



Zdravim, chcem sa ti ospravedlnit za to ze som sem poslal toho "Van Dalsom" s jeho vyhlasenim strany SNS a neviem este cim to sem prisiel. Pripadal mi ako najblizsi projekt k tomu co chcel robit prave wikisource. Na wikicitaty to nepatrilo a o viac som sa nestaral. Ale napokon od toho tu sme aby sme taketo veci davali do poriadku. Takze verim v dalsiu uspesnu spolupracu v buducnosti. --Neuromancer 10:34, 15. december 2006 (UTC)Odpovědět



Ahoj, opakovane sa tu vyskytol tento vandal. Nahoď prosím toto aj sem. Vďaka. —Kandy Talbot 11:56, 12. november 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět

pozdrav a dík od impostora


Zdravím, debloku jsem si všiml, dík Marosovi. Kementovat to moc ani nechci, a už vůbec ne nějaké výmluvy, že snad šlo o impostora. Že takový trapas je vůbec možno tvrdit nechci ani věřit. Čau, -jkb- 10:32, 3. august 2008 (UTC) (klikni si na podpis i na mé jméno v recent changes, snad se dostaneš na můj účet...)Odpovědět

Bot username rename


bug 14839


Nazdar. Edituji dnes z cizího PC a tedy z mého alterantivního účtu, který jsem na ještě nezavedl a nechci tam zas být blokován. Meta včera zavedla novou skupina, něco jako kontoloři check userů (mají přístup na log, ale nemohou sami provádět check), viz bugzilla:14839. Prý se o to může žádat na metě, z toho co jsem četl na nevyplývá jasně, zda to lze žádat i pro jednotlivé projekty. Pozeptejte se na to, mohla by to být alternativa k volbě druhého checkusera u vás. -jkbx- 22:18, 19. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Viz i starší diskusi zde, User:-jkb- cs.source 07:22, 20. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Revize 39519 jsem si taky všiml. Ta formulace se dá vyložit i tak, že tou třídou ombudsman/oversigt mají na mysli ne tu dnešní existující konkrétní ale všeobecně novou třídů kontrolórů checkuserů. Je to blbě formulovaný. Trochu víc stojí v počáteční diskusi na metě - je tam zmínka "...I feel that Arbcoms should allow all members "log access" on the home wiki so that they too can monitor the work being done there...", tedy např. že by to mělo sloužit arbitrážním výborům na lokálních projektech, ne pouze globálně na metě. User:-jkb- cs.source 11:46, 20. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Forced user renames coming soon for SUL


Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:09, 3. máj 2013 (UTC)Odpovědět

Forced user renames coming soon for SUL


Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:09, 3. máj 2013 (UTC)Odpovědět

An important message about renaming users


Dear AtonX, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25. august 2014 (UTC)Odpovědět

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Your administrator and bureaucrat status on the skwikisource


Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Rschen7754 03:33, 19. jún 2019 (UTC)Odpovědět